
"Mentorship is about inspiring others to achieve their goals, by sharing knowledge, skills, and experiences."


in 2017, my first mentorship – I am the mentee!


I see the mentorship-mentee relationship as an opportunity for…

  • students to reach out and learn from others

  • working adults to inspire and learn as well.

I am very passionate about learning and growing for myself, and also with others.

Let’s chat Twitter, Telegram or LinkedIn

MARKON magazine which I created


I created this resource to inform aspiring marketers the various marketing jobs and debunk certain myths about school, internships and marketing careers.

Basically a self-read marketing student resource.

Digital Marketing Guest Lecture


I am mentoring a few juniors and sharing more on my internship journey, current work, and corporate life in general.


I gave a guest lecture to share more about Twitter Ads to undergraduates at Singapore Management University.

Check out my sharing on how to turn your internship into a full-time offer, and the joys of working with a global office! ↓

Talks & Webinars