This is a regular series within TOKYO BOUND blog to share short weekly updates of my journey.
Highlight of my week?
今週のハイライトはゆっくりで言葉を作れたので、先週より今週のほうが日本語レベルはちょっと上った。友達のFBを聞いた。The highlight of my week is slowly being able to form sentences, and my Japanese is slowly improving. At least, that’s what I hear from my friends’ feedback.
学校で単語ゲームをした。馬=乗り物。Vocabulary game at school. Hint for the horse was “transportation vehicle”.
What have I learnt this week?
クラスメートみんなは授業で頑張っている。授業はとても難しいが、私の大変な経験は一人じゃない。I learn that all my classmates in my course are doing their best and struggling as well. I thought because they had more years of experience, it would be better for them, but when I hear their 週末予定(weekend plans), it really seems like it is tough on everyone. No one is spared.
世田谷公園のパン祭りでパンマグネットを買った!I bought a bread magnet at the Bread Festival in Setagaya ParK!
What could I have done better?
今、書く練習をしているが、話す練習をまだしていない。シャベリングの自信が上がる。I started writing more (because I thought I needed to know how to form sentences first). But, I still need to improve on my speaking. I need to improve my confidence in speaking.
4時間カラオケした。4hours at the karaoke.
What am I grateful for this week?
友達はいつもサポートをしてくれる。毎晩、Nさんは私の文法をチェックする。毎週土曜日は、Gさんは文法と言葉の練習をする。いつも感謝している。I have been getting immense support from my friends. Friend N has been checking my grammar every night, while Friend G has been giving me tuition lessons on Saturdays. I am always grateful for them because I think if they are constantly exposed to my bad grammar, it does something to the mind.