This is a regular series within TOKYO BOUND blog to share short weekly updates of my journey.
Highlight of my week?
今週のハイライトは勉強が大切じゃないことの発見です。The highlight of my week is slowly realising that school is a small part of my life and journey.
渋谷のタワーレコードで色々なアルバムを試し聴きした。Listened to various albums at Tower Records Shibuya.
What have I learnt this week?
自分でも怖い気持ちだから、日本語の勉強は難しくて、大変で、楽しくなかった。I learnt that my fear really stopped me from absorbing and learning and it took me many weeks later to realise this. I also learnt that the teachers at Waseda really care for you. My teacher spoke to me separately to play more. I’ve never heard of a teacher asking a student to play more.
スワンボートに初めて乗った!First time on a swan boat.
What could I have done better?
ゆっくりと日本語を習うほうがいいです。I need to know Rome is not built in a day、 and also slowly improve my vocabulary and listening. I had problems forming sentences this week due to a mental block.
河口湖で美しい富士山を見た!I saw the beautiful Mt. Fuji from Lake Kawaguchi.
What am I grateful for this week?
シンガポールと東京の友達から私にずっとサポートしてくれていつもありがとう。Constant support from friends in Singapore and Tokyo on my well-being and their constant reminders that I am more than my studies or grades.