This is a regular series within TOKYO BOUND blog to share short weekly updates of my journey.
Highlight of my week?
よみうりランドのコスパはとてもよかったです。Evening pass but we could still clear nine rides which would be worth 2.5x more if we bought the rides separately. Snacks are also priced reasonably.
What have I learnt this week?
It’s interesting how んです is used over から. It was interesting to learn how the language and culture would prefer to speak more passively instead of direct, which is common for English.
What could I have done better?
日本語をもっと使うようにした方がいいです。バラバラな日本語を使ってるけど、ちょっと恥ずかしいです。Even though I only still form broken sentences, it is better to constantly talk and practice.
What am I grateful for this week?