What is SHUUKI? Previously in school, I used to write weekly updates for Chinese classes called 周记(zhou1ji4)which is similar to diary or 日記(にっき) in Japanese. Diaries are usually daily but instead of daily、 I changed the 日(にち、nichi)into 週(しゅう、shuu)hence the name!
This is a regular series I am doing within TOKYO BOUND blog to share short weekly updates of my journey.
Highlight of my week?
Honestly thankful that the resident card, phone number and housing has been settled by the end of the week. I only viewed the ideal place I hope to get on Thursday and planned for back-up viewings over the weekends but thankfully, the agent and owner accepted.
Sightseeing at Ueno Toshogu ShrinE 上野東照宮
What have I learnt this week?
I learnt that there’s a bunch of things to be done just when shifting places and how hot the weather actually is. From a tropical country like Singapore, I did not think that Japan’s summer could be worse.
Shiopan at Pain Maison GinzA. Please try their 焼き芋塩パン!
What could I have done better?
My friends and colleagues mostly guided me this week so I have yet to use Japanese as much as I hoped for. I was more surprised by how far just お願いします、大丈夫です and ないです can bring me.
Nezu Museum with a colleague turned friend
What am I grateful for this week?
Grateful for my colleague for taking the time out to help me update the resident card, get my phone number, settle my house rental process, all while managing her own busy schedule. Grateful for my family being so enthusiastic throughout my journey, and friends who are also wishing me well.