What is SHUUKI? Previously in school, I used to write weekly updates for Chinese classes called 周记(zhou1ji4)which is similar to diary or 日記(にっき) in Japanese. Diaries are usually daily but instead of daily、 I changed the 日(にち、nichi)into 週(しゅう、shuu)hence the name!
This is a regular series within TOKYO BOUND blog to share short weekly updates of my journey.
Highlight of my week?
A lot of firsts – dance class, getting through student commuter pass application without using English, and cooking!
Too many cats at Gotokuji Temple.
What have I learnt this week?
Shin-Okubo and KALDI literally sells almost any kind of seasoning I can think of from home (Singapore) or SouthEast Asia that I need if I ever miss home!
Gelato Pique @ Omotesando // Did not manage to get limited edition items. I need to be faster in registering.
What could I have done better?
Be stricter with myself when it comes to time allocation. Some activities I took my time with but in the end, impacted the other plans I have like revising my Level 1 Japanese because it was almost 23:30 on a few nights.
Harajuku without Crepe is not Harajuku for me.
What am I grateful for this week?
Having myself grow in a few life aspects. I am moving slower than my peers if I am comparing, but at this point, growth is growth. I’ll take it.