What is SHUUKI? Previously in school, I used to write weekly updates for Chinese classes called 周记(zhou1ji4)which is similar to diary or 日記(にっき) in Japanese. Diaries are usually daily but instead of daily、 I changed the 日(にち、nichi)into 週(しゅう、shuu)hence the name!
This is a regular series I am doing within TOKYO BOUND blog to share short weekly updates of my journey.
Highlight of my week?
A lot of movement but I finally settled in after many trips to Nitori. I made a few friends during the week as well.
Watched my first movie alone!
What have I learnt this week?
There is no reason for me to fear making mistakes because I am here to learn a new language. The worst that can happen is that they think badly of me. But that’s about it!
I also learnt that a 敷きパッド (bed pad), goes above the bed sheets…
My first corn on pizza @ Gusto ガスト. I am amazed.
What could I have done better?
I could have revised some sentences via YouTube because I met close to five out of six of my housemates and froze. Thankfully, they were very patient with me.
Nice housemate who left a note on my lil’ box of peace offering.
What am I grateful for this week?
Personal growth and a shift in mindset to how I am to face my one year in Tokyo. Knowing that I have a lot of support from others, gives me strength.