SHUUKKI #06 - 2023-10-22 (日)

This is a regular series within TOKYO BOUND blog to share short weekly updates of my journey.

Highlight of my week?

The highlight was realising I am having small improvements such that I can understand certain signages or conversations better. Additionally, my dance instructor said she noticed my Japanese got a little better just from me making one coherent sentence! やった!

A lot of self-studying in the self-study corners of Waseda.

What have I learnt this week?

It’s been about three weeks of school but no one remembers you. I have common classes with some students and the class is not big but they don’t remember who I am nor do I remember all of them. This was good learning for me because I was so fearful of making mistakes in class when school should be a safe space to learn and make mistakes. 

Free Halloween Candy at DisneySea!

What could I have done better?

Constant reflection throughout the week on this reflected that I was being hard on myself when I compared myself to others who have two to three years of formal experience (studying in their home university) when I only had three months of it in 2020, and that’s the Waseda’s version of a Level 0. Most of my classes are Level 2 and 3, hence the jump. I need to understand that this is part and parcel of life. Grammar and ペラペラness can’t be built in a month, and I need to accept that I’ll start weak, and that is growth in itself.

We busted 1,000yen but still no prize (at Shibuya)

What am I grateful for this week?

Super grateful for the friend I’m staying with in the sharehouse. She has been helping me with homework explanations, important calls and ensuring I’m not putting too much pressure on myself. Also grateful for the out-of-school-in-Tokyo community that I have to also reassure me that I will be fine.

Memoji 101: Using ChatGPT to study 👩‍💻🤖🧠

SHUUKKI #05 - 2023-10-15 (日)