This is a regular series within TOKYO BOUND blog to share short weekly updates of my journey.
Highlight of my week?
Skipped my classes for the first time. 体調がちょっと悪かったので、金曜日の授業を欠席しました。
My first sunset since I got here. Sunset = 日の入り
What have I learnt this week?
It’s important to constantly look after your health, especially in a new environment with changing weather. I’ve never experienced autumn or winter so this is a first for me.体の調子は大切だと思います。私は初めて秋と冬の経験をしているので、もっときをつけているほうがいいです。
First time eating at a cafeteria @ Tokyo University! I haven’t even eaten at Waseda’s Cafeteria. 東京大学の食堂で初めて食べました。早稲田大学でも食べてない。
What could I have done better?
Knowing how to prioritise and focus on what’s important instead of doing everything. So far I am doing everything because I don’t want to miss this opportunity of a break in my career. However、 it’s my sleep and health that takes the backseat.自分のしたいことをするのが理想的です。
Studying at Shimokitazawa’s CoffeeKan. 下北沢の珈琲館という喫茶店でクラスメートと一緒にテストの準備をしていました。
What am I grateful for this week?
Grateful for ex-colleagues who do check up on me physically in Tokyo, friends who have been helping me get through class, and teachers who email me to make sure I am resting enough.